You claim to be everything you're not.
"I'm there for my brothers." Or is it the other way around?
"I trust you, that's why I let you into my life." Or is it because you know they won't judge you harshly and give you their attention?
"I've changed." Or are you simply renewing an old trick?
"I'll wait." A week before your little friend starts itching?
"I make $800 a week." Maybe you could use some of that to shower more often and stop smooching off of friends.
"Stay out of my business." Try taking your own advice; and what kind of friend would I be if I let my girlfriend get hurt? Her life was under control until you came and fucked it up you mother fucking asshole.
You walk into friends' house and raid their fridge expecting them to be chill with it while you on the other hand could hardly invite them in out of the cold.
You're a fucken sleaze ball that only cares about your little black ass. It's always about you, you, you. You don't ask others' about their lives yet you demand them to ask about yours when it's pretty much the same anyways.
I pity your past, present, and future victims.