I want a guy with ambition, an education, and responsibility.
A guy that will get things done, efficiently and quickly.
And is realistic.
One that can handle emotional, mental, and physical stress. I don't want someone that'll break in half after carrying a few heavy things. I don't want your words, show me your production.
I don't want;
A boy that'll walk out when things don't go according to his ways.
A chastiser. You have no right to raise your voice at me nor talk down to me.
Another person to care and look after. That's what babies are for.
A blabber that tells the whole world the issues going on between two people, even if it's to a family member or close friend. I mean one friend is OK but no more than that and never more than once.
I don't need you to survive. I've managed 15 years, I think I can handle more so you don't have to be stuck to my hip 24/7. Don't think my world revolves around you.
People can assume I'm a brainwasher. That I'm needy. Controlling. I could give a rat's ass because I'm not hoarding anyone, they just keep coming to me. If you fear me so much, keep im' away. Lock im' up for pete sake's!
Nobody fits the requirements? I'm chill with that. Less time and money spent on a wastrel.