I know about your history and I don't understand why you have to lie because it doesn't change who you are in my eyes, it's fact that you do and continue is what distorts your image in my eyes.
You claim to not talk shit behind people's back, guess I'll prove you wrong when I have the evidence in my grasp.
You consider yourself to be trying to reach out but have you ever thought that your previous actions are what made you get rejected? Yeah, don't think others are dumb enough to blurt out the truth or play along with your mind games so shit isn't caused. I know how you've tried to gone after my other female friends, and I must laugh since from time to time you'd send me messages out of nowhere declaring your emotions for me, even when you knew I wasn't interested and had been taken.
Now you're calling me 'mentally disabled' for my actions, to mutual friends. How the hell is it retarded? Ever considered that I wanna be in solitude and didn't want to sugar-coat my reasons? Especially when you added acid to the reason as to why I was so fucken pissed off. Ever heard my enemy's friend is my enemy? That's what you are now. Sure, go right on ahead and hate on me. Delete, block, spread rumors for all I care.
You lie and lie. When we were first starting to get to know each other, you asked me out through facebook chat and I told you no because of my parents and you, quote, said, "Oh, they'll never find out. It'll just be between you and me." and I told you no. Afterwards, you dated my friend which I told you beforehand that if you did, there wouldn't be a chance for "us" because I just don't roll that way. Which I honestly find funny, because if your feelings were genuine you wouldn't have done that for what-so ever excuse. Add-on to the fact that MY PARENTS knew you and our parents knew each other, but you hadn't known who my parents were at the time.
Overall you were a good friend, a bit melodramatic with white lies but still a good friend. You did your fair share of paying, sometimes even more, conservative and friendly(although a bit too much at times). But with what you said, I've lost all respect for you. You've lost a friend, and gained an enemy. Now, I won't bash on you and reveal your history because you don't deserve that but if our situation comes to that. I won't hold back.