Monday, October 29, 2012
Got checked out early, and started getting weird stomach cramps. Arrived at the office alone. it took 2 hours since they had to get papers sorted out, let the people know what was needed, and got things ready for tomorrow's surgery. Swung by the eye doctors to pick up Mommy's glasses, then McDonalds for an egg nog shake but they didn't have it so got a pumpkin shake instead. It was pretty delish! Getting checked out early tomorrow again for surgery, then to work I go. Hopefully, it won't have too much complications if not I'll have to try and find someone to cover. Gonna overdose on pain killers before -just- to make sure I don't feel too much pain while they're sticking the needles in or soreness afterwards. Gonna be sore and aching like a mofo afterwards. Hopefully I can still work on Halloween though.