Sunday, November 18, 2012


Had a nightmare last night. I was lost and deserted somewhere along a beach. He had abandoned me and went after Amanda. I was utterly shocked and broken. Funny shit. You know that feeling in your heart when you bawl and scream as loud as you can while your heart aches? I was doing that while banging my head. I'm a fool. I'm not suppose to turn back, I need to keep going, not fall down in misery. Woke up, scolding myself and ended up being late for work!

I think I prefer night shifts now. Yes, you have to work your schedule around it but there's more freedom afterwards if it's not too late and it's less stressful. I've been hitting a lot of mystery shoppers lately and keep messing up because I don't do smile tray. Ugh, sucks ass. I never got mystery shoppers before so why now? Bleck. Running out of money, can't wait for Tuesday to get my paycheck! Hope it's really big because I need the money for bills and just in general. Broke as fuck because I've been giving money to parents. Working everyday except Wednesday next week, but I'm practically working since I have to babysit the siblings and "tutor" them. Gawd. No time for homework. Kay called me a workaholic today cause I'm always working haha. I guess I am becoming one eh? Just don't wanna stay home yet I'm broke as fuck. Pissy and a bit hurt but time will heal it all hmm?