I FINALLY GOT MY NEW TOY WITHIN' 3 DAYS OF SHIPPING. SUHWEEETUH. I'm so happy. Trying to figure out my new toy and how it works. Impatient for my HK cases to arrive, a bit curious as well since my phone was the last to be shipped yet first to arrive while the cases are yet to show up! Scared to drop or scratch my new baby teehee. I'm still a bit ill from the stomach flu but I was able to return to school and work. I was really tired and worn out today, almost passed out during math class. Work was so-so, got nice tips though!
I dunno why but it seems like we're growing apart compared to the past few days. Are we? Appears as though I'm being cut short or maybe I'm just sensitive and paranoid. It's whatever, I'll occupy myself. I'm still here, but if you won't let me follow what can I do? Gonna stay upbeat!