I'm stupid. Wore shorts and didn't bring a coat since I was in a hurry to work. Forgot my hat in Ami's car from the night before. Work was slow as hell but I made okay-ish tips, turned into a winter cleaning day at work rather than carhoping. Got asked to close tonight, was debating whether or not. Drove to his house shivering. Called a few times but nobody picked up so I went to the door and rung it. His dad was home, but nobody else. Stuck around for a while and his dad had to call him, couldn't hear anything over the music blasting in the background. I thought we were gonna hang out tonight but apparently it was suppose to be in the morning. I'm happy he was having fun, guess I should've known better huh? It's whatever. Drove home in the cold singing to Maroon 5. It was a nice drive home I guess. Ughh, so impatient for it to arrive! Everything else is already shipped except the main item, the phone! Hurry up and ship it already people, I don't want to see "shipping soon" any longer! Still got a shit load of homework, instead I'm knitting haha. What a silly goose, but it's whatevs. Trying to occupy my mind, I keep messing up on something though! I don't know what, and it's making me frustrated.

After work, no make-up as usual and still in my work clothes.
I could be a Victoria Secret model with that facial expression, lolol.