I found a cute anime strip. Ah, memories.
Got off early woot. I think I did better on my Japanese final than any other finals. How sad aha. Went to DQ, filed an application, and went to Wal-Mart with Jenn. I think I may have forgotten to place my contact information. LOL. Gonna work hard from now on. Education comes first. No more working til I drop, I don't need to waste my time physically laboring away to forget. Gonna have fun while making some money on the side. It's all good. Anyways, I made it. Barely, only because of my math grade. I won't let sensei regret fighting for me. I'll prove my worth. I'm so grateful for this chance. I'm gonna have so much fun and further my knowledge of Japan teehee. 5 star resort, here I come! Better save up enough for souvenirs. I'll get a few things for my family members of course, Jenn, William, and Michael. Maybe more if I have money aha. I wonder if I'm underweight. I don't believe I am. Hell, I've packed some weight on but whenever I sit for a while my butt starts to hurt. Wtf? I'm changin' so fast before my eyes, like legit. I tend to break out in songs and dance. Wth? 2nd day of no poo! My hair's already oily. Whyyy? Gah, it's so difficult. What do you think? Does my hair look bad?