All this cramming is killing me.
Spent a good part of my day reading and studying History, now on to the dreaded math. I'm gonna have my sister and mom come up tomorrow after school to talk to my teacher about switching, I don't care. I hate math and everything is going too fast for me. Still gotta cram for the other subjects and finish the other 5 essays left. Fml. School, why you gotta be the death of me and not twinkies? Got called out around 9:30am, I was so happy! I mean yeah, I only worked like 5 hours this week within' 2 days but it's whatever. I need the time to study and focus! Plus, I don't wanna deal with happy hour with this new system - sucks monkey balls. Btw weirdest shit, and most likely TMI but I don't care. It's my blog! My left nipple keeps aching, like it's frostbite but it's not and it keeps aching. As if something or someone bit it. Wtf, it's so weird and the only way to relieve the pain is by me putting my hand(my hand is pretty cold) on my boob to cup it. Seriously, wtf? Body, why you acting up!? 0 _ e
I guess you're right. I do look damn sexy in my photos, but I'm also pretty cute face to face as well. I just know how to take photos well. Why did you bring up the subject? &&invited me to spend Christmas with you. Do you want to spend Christmas with me? Or was it out of pity? If I took up your offer, would it still be there? Why won't you tell me what happen, what kind of life are you living to cause issues to occur that you felt the need to escape? So many questions, I can't stop wondering why. Study hard.