I've finally realized how stupid I've been. I've wasted the past years not getting involved with school, being more focused on grades rather than getting involved and socialize. Then last year and this one, I've been into complaining and moping too often, going out and wasting money too much. Always sticking with the same people that I become dependent and shun the opportunities of having fun and meet new people. Gotta get my life back on track - starting on my grades and time management. I don't want to graduate and not have my previous teachers not know who I am. I want to participate and speak more in class - and not in a negative way. I want to be noticed and bond with classmates and teachers. I want to live life. :)
I was pretty stressed today, especially since today was Math's final hence my I looked like shit today. I'm pretty sure I got like 50% on my exam aha but I'm pretty sure my essay was good so it'll make up in that area, or at least I hope! I'm gonna try to ignore blogger and facebook and focus on my English project that's due tomorrow as well as study then I have to write two essays in Genetics - no biggie then study for it as well. Gonna try to schedule a conference tomorrow with my administrator + counselor + maybe teacher to switch out of AAT or at least teachers. Since the picture above is so horrendous I shall leave you with a better photo to remind you that I'm not that ugly on a daily basis! Teehee~