Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Before I talk about boobs, I'm gonna start off with my day as usual. Enrollment is coming to a close and I still can't decide if I should take AP Bio and AP Environmental Science? Committing myself to College Algebra and AP Government. I really want a happy, non-stressful senior year but I just don't wanna let loose everything. Looked into my savings and I realized I have enough for what would've been our trip together but it's not gonna happen anymore and I don't want to go back anymore until the scars are healed. I don't want to return to my native country and be all mopey and see things we would've experienced together. WPA is coming up and I wanna do something cute for him but I know it would end up in rejection. It's whatevers haha. Started the morning off with an overdue confession from Phoenix. A bit odd but I tried to play it off and stay cool. I realized, I tend to friend-zone 9 out of 10 male friends. That's sad lolol. I dunno why I do? Maybe I just don't like getting into emotional relations haha. I don't find my former lab partner to alluring anymore, he's just eh. A guy. Not much. And that Justin Bieber guy? Lost all interest because we have absolutely nothing in common and nothing would come out of it, not even a basic friendship so screw it.

Okay, so onto boobies and physical appearance.
I just bought myself the Nubra I've always wanted! Can't wait to try it out but I hope it doesn't arrive on March 5th because I won't be able to try it out until I come back. I will finally get the cleavage I've always wanted and if it really does wonders then I'll buy another pair and replace it with the foam ones in my bikini tops, heehee. I need to start working on my abdominal and upper body area again. Need to work out these boobies and arms as well. Not sure where all this sudden weight gain and weight loss is coming from? I keep going up and down the scale like a monkey on crack! Anywhos, with all the working out I'm starting to take care of myself and more conscious of my materials. I love, love Secret and I will never go back to Degree's deodorant. I am always smelling like a fresh laundry basket and the smell actually stays after a whole day of sweating! I'd rather spend a few more money for something that'll keep me smelling fresh than something that only stays fresh for a couple of hours. Got myself the magic foam as well so I can style my hair with greater ease. &&With all this working out and buying, I'm going to take extra summer classes as well as work more hours than I had last summer since I'm not expecting anyone's presence. From 40 hours a week, I'm going to try to push 50 if possible. I need to make up my lost hours last summer and this semester from focusing on school. Maybe after learning the guitar I'll take on the piano to enrich myself as a person.

Got myself some owl earrings.