Sunday, April 21, 2013


Fell asleep on the phone with Tommy. Wasn't sure who hung up but I checked my minute usage and apparently it lasts around 4 hours hehe. Woke up late for work, sheeet! Couldn't find anyone to cover my shift on Sunday so I'm gonna have to miss it. Feel like a total bitch now but meh. I need the money too. Wanna save up for a new car, for college, and my cosmetology license. Got it all it figured out. Gonna work for Wal-Mart once I hit of age so I have money to pay for beauty school. Once I have my license I'll work at a salon and the money I get from that will go towards my main degree which will be either something in the bio-science field or pharmacy school. Thinking about taking beauty school this summer but I'm not sure if I'll have enough time to take classes? Parents wanted to go to the temple( Quan Am) since Nhu Quynh would be singing but I was like meh since I didn't think Tommy nor Tony would go but apparently Tommy did? He called me and was like where are you? And I'm like wtf, I thought you weren't going so I didn't! Went out for frozen yogurt with Jae, then later on went and had a drink at a friend's house. Mmm, I loved the peach one! Drove on the highway too, woot. It wasn't nearly as scary as the first time I went with Corey. Ami says it seems as though I still have feelings for him, somewhat, since my voice softens whenever I talk about him? Is it true? Mmm, cause I don't notice that. I'm most definitely not going on the highway with my current car, gotta get a better and safer car! Grabbed some McDonalds on the way home. Gah, I really need time off to complete my assignments!