Saturday, June 15, 2013


I don't want to let others rule over me. I don't want their opinion to have a negative effect on me. I will prove them wrong, that I will become something. I will have success and happiness. I don't have to follow someone's advice in fear of failure by following my own. I change and shape myself according to the pressure of my environment. Dating and boys are the least of my worries. They come and go without a second glance from me and judging how much friends want to stay in my life, they waiver and flex as well. I flirt, I joke, I mess around. I mean nothing serious with my actions because I do not want to be tied down and have expectations from a guy. I will play around with a guy for a while and have interest but after some time the situation occurs where I lose interest in communication and move on to my next victim. You could say I'm a flirt but you can't say I'm loose. I just don't want to have any attachment to a particular person. It weakens and makes me depend on another person. The last time that happened, I lost not only myself but my sanity and hope.
I am always apologetic in my actions but once someone crosses the line then I will retaliate and return the favor times three. If someone treats me right then they'll stay in my heart but if they wronged me then they're imprint in my mind.