Finished my short summer assignment for AP Bio. Annotating the passage made me realize how much I miss and love learning about science! I want a job that has a useful function and could benefit me later on not just beauty tips or service because beauty will eventually fade and it's not a necessity but people will always get sick and need help, plus it kinda makes me feel happy that I'll be able to help anyone later on with an illness or use it for myself. I mean I guess making other people feel pretty is alright but I've never been interested in the field of being all prepped up and looking good, it just kinda comes to me naturally hehe just kidding. I dunno, I don't have the motivation to put all the crap on my face and damage my hair only to damage it some more when I have to remove it, it's a lose lose in my perspective. I guess I should study esthetician but it's just not my passion but the two years studying it wouldn't be too long and Ami would help fund it plus I would have a job to pay for my main career. Sigh, I guess I shouldn't get my hopes up for studying abroad in Japan for a year or spending any in China. Gotta push aside my dreams because of slack of resources and time. I'll still try to go to Japan again this summer though. It's my one last chance!
My second customer was a pair of two middle aged women and at first they handed me a card and I didn't pay attention to what it was and as I was handing back them their change they were like oh keep it, God loves you and I was like wait, what? Are you sure? And they were like yeah, and I was in disbelief, I was so thankful. Gah, how nice of em! I've heard of these customers but I never though I'd get one. How thoughtful. It brought a smile to my face and started my day with a jumpy, bubbly tune? In the beginning of happy hour though our system crashed so many times and the screens in the kitchen doesn't work so the cooks had to come to the front to see what needed to be cooked. I had to keep telling people that our system had crashed so we couldn't take their order, please call back in a few minutes and come just got so bitchy. Why? I mean, things like this happen and you can't do shit. Either suck it up or leave, goodness. The system crashing was really what fucked us in the butt because it got so busy in the middle and we had to catch up and the kitchen screens didn't help either. I hardly carhopped, I was like ah fuck it, I'll just stand inside and take all the orders until it stops beeping then carhop whatever orders are blinking hehe. I swear, 1/2 Price all day and the rushes are helping me lose weight easily because I don't eat in the morning and I try not to eat too much at work and just drink a lot of tea to cleanse myself but I run and work myself so hard that I feel like I'm losing weight..except for the part where I bring home slushies and ice cream and indulge a bit teehee. ^^
Keeping my GLY card even though I'm not baptist. :)
Btw, about the photo thing. Are you walking down memory lane or are you trying to get my attention? I don't see a reason for either because you said you don't want to remember anything that deals with me and you try to avoid me so I don't understand why you'd be "secretly" seeking my attention.