Who promised me happiness, who begged for a chance, who broke me; how ya doin' huh? I hate how you ruined things for Jason and me. We had something going on but you didn't care. You selfishly pushed yourself in. I friendzoned you, you were suppose to stay there. I wanted to be nothing more than friends but you just kept persisting. Pleading for a chance, promising that one day I will fall in love with you. How long were you scheming? All those times that you cried, apologized, were they all for that one day so you could get revenge? To stab me, to break me, to abandon me? I hate how you put the illusion of yourself as a knight in shining armor in my eyes. I want to blind myself each time I think back of how stupid I was. All those stupid promises that slipped from your lips were poisoned arrows to my heart. Stated that you weren't like the rest, that you would protect me, love me, cherish us. What happened to that? Is it all invalid because you were stupidly in love? You're another reason for me to not trust a boy's words. I told you of my past's broken promises and how I hate it and you promise you wouldn't do what the other guys did but look at yourself, reevaluate. I love how you were so quick to fall back into the market and hitch it up with her. As for myself, I don't want to deal with the false pretense of boys anymore. I find it difficult to open up and fall blindly in love without noticing similar situations where I have made mistakes in the past. I'm sick and tired of experiencing betrayal, infatuation, trial and error. I wonder what kind of dad you will be in the future, what kind of husband you will be. I hardly recognize any aspect of you but I do know that you will always be that proud coward who will never admit his faults nor seek penitence. Does your dreams ever consist of a child crying, an angelic face slumbering in your arms? I bet it never does because you're too occupied with the life of a teenage boy. You're another thing added to my list of why I don't want to bother with dating for a while or maybe I just have too much hate built up that I can't bring myself to love someone again yet. You won't find me whoring myself out to guys to seek attention or affection, I can't guarantee the same for you.