Michelle, Megan, Kayla, and I stayed in Estes Park of the time. On the first night, I spot 2 shooting stars and obviously I was too amazed to wish for anything. The night sky in the mountains were absolutely breath taking. You can't capture the image with a camera, only the naked eye and it is so beautiful compared to the night sky you see in the suburbs and cities. It's where true star gazers gaze. Hope I could see the Gemenid or Leonid shower sometime! On the second day, we hiked in the rain for 4 hours straight because we wanted to see how much was horse back riding and oh my god, we were all cold and soaked. Megan and I weren't very happy, not to mention we didn't want to get sick while on vacation. I finally learned how to play bullshit, Michael tried teaching me it while in Japan but his instructions did not make sense to me at all. Played strip bullshit and Michelle was the first one to loose, me second. Saw many hummingbirds and some even perched on my finger, an elk, deer, and a coyote. Hiked straight up Sheep's head on our last day and it was so difficult. Not that it was tiring - although yes it was tiring - but it was so steep that Kayla and I kept falling and slipping. Because of this trip we have all gotten closer to each other and find it awkward not sleeping together, hearing screams of "You touched my nipple!" ect. On our last day we arrived 3 minutes late from the 30 minute or hour cut off. Our flight takes off at 6:45AM and we got there at 6:18AM. They said the earliest flight they could get us on was on August 7th, which meant we had to sleep in the airport for 5 days! Oh hell no. What a bunch of bullshit. Therefore we had to rent a car and drive 14 hours to get home. Sigh. Stupid ass Denver airport.