The other night I had an odd dream that I can't figure the meaning out behind it. First I was in Japan again and I wandered around the city streets and went into the malls. Then I got lost trying to go home. Then fast forward I was at Cobe's house, trying to help out by washing dishes but that made him, his mom, and grandfather angry for some reason? Then I was at Kyle's house and we chilled, afterwards I was hanging with Mikeo and Kyle came over and they were arguing on who gets to hang out with me. And then Cobe came out of an orange car and turned into this huge bug and started growling at everybody. I have no clue what kind of dream that was. There's no symbolism that I can dissect from it either. Been pondering about the 2014 Corolla and Camry. Corolla has better gas mileage, compact so parking will be easier(I suck at parking even with my Honda Accord) but apparently it's lighter and driving on the highway, the gust and tire noise can be bothersome. Camry has more leg room and truck space, it's sturdier in it's weight and has more interior accessories, it's also a bigger car so parking will be more difficult. So I've been debating, which is better and which has less issues? Sources state that both are deemed safe and reliable so that doesn't help much. The Camry seems to have a higher insurance rating but I'm not sure yet so I'll have to check with my insurance company later on in the future. I don't really need the extra space because even in my current car, I don't commute anyone really except for myself and maybe a friend or my younger siblings once in a blue moon. I get good gas mileage on it because it only takes $40 to fill up my tank from the bottom. I don't use my truck with my current car either so I'm not sure if the extra space is necessary. I don't plan to have kids nor have many in the next 10 years plus if I do I won't have more than one or two so a small car would still fit my needs. Sigh, I need to expand my knowledge on cars.
One thing I've noticed is that I've somewhat withdrawn myself from males. I mean, yeah I'm still flirtatious to a certain degree and joke but I don't open up much. I think twice before I let the words slip because nowadays society judges with a naive mindset, and my words are too rancid and true for them to grasp. I really wish I could find someone to be best friends with, without thinking twice and having to fear that they'll judge my low moments and words I may not mean from impulse or the environment I grew up in. It's just so difficult be so naked with someone again. Opening your heart, secrets, and thoughts without them listening, seeing, and thinking with a bias way. It's difficult to please everyone, even yourself when you're not sure where you stand.