Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Time forgives?

People say time heals all wounds, that is not entirely true and and not all wounds ever get fully healed.
Sometimes I wonder if I'm "point[ing] at a deer and call[ing] it a horse?" Or am I "cover[ing]..[my] ears while stealing a bell?" My heart may be "an old horse in the stables" but "it still yearns to run." I may have experienced pain, I may be cautious and cynical but I still wish to be treated as a princess, a gentle flower with thorns. There will be those who stand afar from the murky waters and thorns but I hope the scent and lush colors of my petals will draw them in and they might take a chance to go through the unknown waters and bear through the thorns. I guess in a way, I've realize that in order to be loved again, I must not only love myself but learn from my past then get the hell out of there. I can still hate, I can still seek revenge, but I can also love those around me. Don't settle for less, forgive, give them the benefit of the doubt, and love them unconditionally. Don't be played as a fool though. Know when enough is enough to stop, stand up, and walk away.