Woke up around 7:30AM, still made it to school within' 15 minutes! I am a beeeast! Made some productivity in AP-TD today with my best but it still gets air bubbles which pisses me off. Like a souffle there can be no flaw! Cleaned and did chores in AP Ceramics. Took my AP Gov't test during my AP-Bio and came in after school to make up the class. Very confusing huh. During Japanese, we just watched Howl's Moving Castle since sensei was in collaboration with the other senseis. I literally fell asleep since all the lights were off. Wish I had my little wacky creature with me so I could use it as a pillow. Slept for a good 35 minutes and spent the rest of the time just laying on the floor and watched the movie. Came home and just chilled, did some of the AP Bio stuff but I still need to read the textbook for extra credit. Need to get off my butt and stop missing class and start working on assignments and getting ahead of the game. Then again, I'm missing class again tomorrow hehe. Can't wait to get these little knit knacks off. Going into Wei's after school as well for an interview I guess? Even though I already got the job.