Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Cha cha cha! Got my V-line mask and belt in the mail along with the black, volcanic face mask. Wooot! Ticked me off a bit when mama bitched about me spending money on "useless things". I can't buy beauty products, clothes, or electronics but giving it to them and having them buy clothes and other things is fine in her case. Sigh. No. My money, I buy. It's not like I go out and buy lottery tickets or use it on weed. Smh. Had to rush to pick up the kids since I had taken a test after school then had to poop really bad afterwards lolol. They were hungry once we reached home so I cooked チャーハン for them. Not the best I made so far but it was filling. Had a dream again last night concerning Corey. I don't know why I'm having dreams with him in it? It seems like the only parts I remember are ones dealing with him. I haven't spoken or been involved with anything dealing with him so I'm puzzled as why he keeps reoccurring in my dreams. There was also a big dog involved by a male owner. He said the breed was a strip/banded something? It was a male dog, white with black ears and speckled of black upon its tail as well as bands of black along the tip of the tail. He had these dark, ocean blue eyes as well. Mysterious, maybe even a bit somber? A random part I remember is having to go poop in this uber, gloomy, bathroom that scared me ahaha! Anyways back to what I remember most. I had bumped into Corey at this dance festival. He was wearing a navy, blue jacket? Particularly thick. His hair was a chestnut color, wearing jeans and dark shoes. His whole outfit was just pretty dark blue in general. I can't remember his face clearly though, his face was always tilted down a bit so I couldn't see or I just avoided looking into it? But he commented that I had gotten worse at dancing. It was a tense, awkward atmosphere, trying to make small talk or just nod in each other's direction. We didn't stand very far apart, like 3 inches apart so it was pretty close contact, like when you walk past someone and you lean in and whisper something into their ear. I don't understand this dream or what's going on!? Oh yeah, I found another example to help explain my short circuiting memory. I can't remember memories on command but if someone mentions something or something triggers than synapses goes snapping away. Maybe it's the pressure of having to remember something on the spot? Even though it might just be me sitting on my bed trying to recall everything. Oh crap. It just happened. Maybe I'm just sleep deprived? Crap, I really can't remember it. It was something that was going to back up what I just said but I guess not anymore. Oh yeah! Recently after breaking up, I could recall memories really well. Like I felt what I was feeling during those times and I could see the scenes through my eyes. I could remember the look in his eyes and the warmth but also emptiness inside the car when we went to pick up Hailey at Skate City and ect. It may sound like I'm exaggerating or what not but I really did. In a way it was pretty neat but also bitter. I went like through all of the memories I had with him in 2 years, conversations, events, kisses, and actions we experienced that I never really recalled or thought of important or meaningful. Weird. Now when something pops up, I remember it rather as a fact or statistics that I learned from class like the ionization concentration constant of sugar is 1 while salt/acidic things are 2 or that the 13th amendment outlawed slavery while the 19th gave women suffrage. I remember them as facts rather then remembering all those little itty bitty details I did back then. Anywho, mama, Ami, and even my uncle said back then when I was dating Corey, I started to resemble him, even in the photos. I never really saw that but they do? But they say I don't anymore, which I guess is a good thing? There's a saying that after a couple dates for so long, they start to look like each other. I wonder if that was true because my friend, Chua married Michael and she started looking so much like him that one time I thought he dressed up as her in make up. Weird? Wanted to say something earlier but I kept forgetting, but I wonder if Tony and Horse Face had an undercover thing? Apparently everyone could see it. Eh, *shrug*. Not my problem. It got me wondering why he suddenly likes me though? He randomly hit me up and continued to talk. Didn't think much of it until he asked to talk on the phone? Then BAM. First thing that comes out of his mouth: "Omg, you sound exactly like Sharon." Excuse me?!?! If he has the hots for me by morphing me into his little kimchi mold, handpalm. No. I am fried rice and pho, not kimchi. Have my heart set on taking Chinese at JCCC, possibly intermediate Japanese as well if I have enough money heh. I'll be taking Mandarin at JCCC but I have hopes to take Cantonese at KU, and possibly have an exchange education in my birth country, HK! Japan's too expensive so off to HK I go heh. Actually, anywhere in China is okay I guess. Oh, maybe I can live in Dongxing for a year by myself since that's by Mong Cai? So I can head over to Vietnam once in a while! Gah, the possibilities. I just love learning new languages! Not sure what about it fascinates me so much? Maybe it's so I don't look like a fool when I need to go poop.