- Quota requires a certain proportion of benefit to a certain group.
- 13th amendment(1865): No slavery.
- 14th amendment(1868): Blacks are citizens.
- 15th amendment(1870): Gave blacks a measure of political equality.
- The Civil rights act did not guarantee state citizenship nor did it force the states to honor the national citizenship rights.
- Plessy v. Ferguson: separate but equal.
- NAACP founded by Bois.
- Sweatt v . Painter: forced to admit a black student into an all white Law school. Found that it was separate and not equal but did not reevaluate the separate but equal doctrine.
- Swann v. Charlotte: ensured busing of children to ensure desegregation of schools.
- Civil Right Acts(1964): Entitled all to full and equal enjoyments, equality in employment opportunities, strengthens voting rights, creation of EEOC(job discrimination).
- Elementary and Secondary School act: threaten of cutting educational funds if segregation remains.
- Johnson's great society: 24th banned poll taxes, Economic opportunity act provided education and training to combat poverty.
- College v. Bell: governmental funds to a program or department must not allow discrimination.
- Minority groups are able to seek payment for damages such as rejection of a job and other serious wrongs.
- Boy Scouts v. Dale: illustrates the struggles of gays and lesbians for civil right and modern conflict between freedom and equality.
- US v. Virginia: test for gender equality.
- Regents vs. Bakke: white application denied because spot was reserved for minorities.
- Gratz v. Bollinger: Court decided that school preferred race but also judged on merit, so race was not a sole factor.