You know I'm in major study mode when I feel the need to tie my hair up.
Monday, December 16, 2013
Uno Cram.
Had a basic workday in most of my classes. So close to getting my dress done in AP TD. Officially got my two hours in the beginning of the school day dropped. Woot! Except I wasn't able to get ceramics in 6th hour, Perkins got upset when I told her that my counselor wouldn't allow me to retake Advance Ceramics and that it was full as well, even though I'd be in Mrs. Long's class instead of her's. Wah, Perkins is such an awesome teacher weeeee. So I may have ceramics sixth hour instead of digital photography. Stayed back after school in the library from 3PM-3:30PM, took a break to go pick up my siblings and change clothes then went back to school at 4PM. Continued to study, mostly AP biology, until 7PM. Took mini breaks to go grab some cocoa from the falcon's nest but nothing else really, tried to do the extra credit ap biology prompt but really couldn't. The environment just didn't fit me well since it was so loud and there were people who were cracking jokes and talking rather than studying. Tried my best to study but ended up just looking over my past test questions and filling up my notecard. Only filled up the front card with what I think I may need and still have the back blank. May fill in the back with some other notes from prior in class during seminar. Been studying AP biology more today rather than government even though I have that tomorrow as well. Don't think I utilized my study time to my full advantage but I still studied more today than I've ever studied before all in one day. Went out to dinner at Pei Wei's later on, so full gah. Came home around 8:30PM. Ended up helping dad with computer issues until 10PM. Studied a bit more biology, now just typing this up. Gonna have to review government tomorrow, oh fun. Hopefully I will nail everything in the low A to high B range. Fingers crossed!