Enzymes: specialized macromolecules that speed up reactions.
Dehydration reaction: Monomers are connected thru the loss of a water molecules.
Hydrolysis: Polymer bonds are broken thru the addition of water molecules.
-Hydrogen from water molecule attaches to one monomer while -OH group attaches itself to the adjacent monomer.
Monosaccharides: simple sugars
- More complex sugars are constructed of this
- CxHx(2)Ox
- Consist of Carbonyl group and multiple -OH groups and depending on the Carbonyl group it is either an ketone or aldehyde.
- Generally ends in -ose
- Ranges from 3-7 carbons long.
- In aqueous solution, 5-6 carbons tend to form rings.
Dissaccharide: Two monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkage
*glycosidic linkage: covalent bond via dehydration reaction
Polysaccharides: macromolecules, monomers joined by a few hundred glycosidic linkages.
- Storage material
- hydrolyzed as needed to provide sugar for cells
- Serve as building material for structures that protect the cell or the whole organism