Went to the doctors today and they were hesitant to prescribe anything so I'm need to take ibuprofen for the chest pains and I got prescribed some gel material to place upon my tongue but I can't get it because of stupid insurance glitch. Fucken great.
Need to repay Ami back by December for 2K so she can go back to VN, but Lucas is coming over in May so I don't understand why she's going back? Really pissing me off because they're spending money they don't have. I'm practically paying for her air fare since she doesn't have enough for airfare ticket. Work pace at FT is slow especially since it's getting cold, I need to worry about having enough for my car payments and insurance payments and I do have enough at the moment to last until May which is when business picks up and I make more money but paying Ami back now would set me in a cramp because I'll only be able to make two more car payments and have to find out other ways to get the money. Everyone says I don't work enough which is making me go WTF? I go to school 3 days a week - 8 hours each day, work 3 days a week from 9AM-8PM each day, and I have one day off which is Tuesday. What the heck. But whatever, I guess I need to find a second job if possible. This shit is stressing me out so bad along with Trig. Wanna rebel and become an escort, fucken A.