I'm fed up with always living in a shadow. This is one of the reasons why I didn't want to get into the nail industry because I'll always be compared to my older sister. My one year of experience is always compared to her 10 years of experience. Sure she was 13 when she started out, yes she had to attend school as well but are you forgetting that I have to attend school too? I'm attending college, something that is more rigorous than middle school. All the scholarships and honor rolls I've attain is seen as no value even while I'm working long crazy hours. Just because she was younger when she started out doesn't mean it completely overshadows my progress. For instance, a 9 year old bboy, who has trained since he was 5, being able to do more intense and complicated moves than a bboy who is 18 year old is just starting out in his first few months would be expected. Being able to have built a clientele within my first year, something Ami wasn't able to obtain until around her 3-4th year in the industry. I'm able to bring home a little over $1,000 each week but that doesn't matter. Obtaining scholarships to foreign countries, going on medical lectures, being on the honor roll every year, being nominated for a leadership program, all this never means shit. This is why I was content on working in an American industry, because I wouldn't be compared. I'd shine and be praised for my talents.