I've been surprisingly waking up early lately by myself with no alarm or anyone. Been getting up around 5-6AM but then again I'm not getting the best sleep either . Went for a little adventure bright and early, then went to a pineapple plantation. Encountered a rude person behind the wind who automatically shut the window when it got to our turn without an explanation of word so we just left. Bought a few gifts. Got mistaken for Japanese and kept being spoken to in it. It was interesting. So far I've been able to communicate twice in Japanese to natives! Went back to the ala moana center to shop around. Went back home and tried this one sushi place since they finally had sea urchin! It was nasty. $7 for one small piece of rice, seaweed, and sea urchin on top. It was fishy but had a distinct taste and texture to it almost like oyster but worse. I am finally content with actually getting to try sea urchin but I am never ordering it again. Bleck! One of their specialty rolls ie. Dragon roll was $18. Wtf. I am never complaining about Kansas sushi price ever again lol.