Attended the Japan festival. Watched Miyuki as usual but I got a candy this time, a dragon! Nothing really exciting at the bazaars. Met a few guys who wanted to "chill" but I'm gonna guess they wanna become something more than buddies so I avoided lol. Trying to focus more on school. Made a few more friends but they always turn out to be males, which could become problematic later on but honestly I just don't get along well with females. It's like oil and water with them. Had a dream the other night that I ran into my former boss and we caught up and he told me how much he missed me and how much his kids missed me. I'm guessing he was hoping that somehow his son and I would get along and date. But he grabbed my hand and we went onto his rooftop to look at his daughters, K and E through the windows? Yeah it was weird and they didn't look like themselves not to mention they had a pet too.
One afternoon as I was in my way to pick up Keo, I saw this poor baby raccoon near my house like over one street and 4 houses down. The little fella was skin and bones and it seemed as though he had an injure on one of his hind legs because he was waking gingerly, limping almost. Poor baby! I tried to call it to me making cat calls lol. I don't know how to call anything else besides cats. He just stared at me like "what the heck, weird lady just leave me alone and stop making those strange noises" 😂.
Last night as I was driving home, i witnessed a major letdown. There was three lanes, I was in the middle with a middle aged man in the passenger side of a jeep in the left lane and a middle aged woman in a suv on the right. He kept hollering, trying to get her number and she just kept shaking her head and avoided eye contact. I would feel disappointed for him but his friend was driving like a dumbass going 60 on a 40 street. I'm sure she had a good time when she got home and told her husband. 😂
Earlier, while driving back on US69 I saw my first (wild too!) turkey on the side of the road on the grass strip just staring at the cars going by. It was all black except the red head with the red gobble gobble on the throat but nothing on top of its head which was fleshy pink with no feathers. It didn't look like the typical fat ones. It was more on the average/slender side like a pear shaped body. Pretty sure it wasn't a vulture? But it was so cool seeing that on the side of the highway as it stood there calmly watching cars go.