Went to a friend's bridal shower earlier this week and it made me remember how socially awkward I am haha. Warmed up once I saw Jenn and Elizabeth. Saw Sarahanne and oh my goodness. She gives the best head massages ever. I wish I could take her home with me! Perfect tension and motion. Gotta love this cutie pie. <3
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Kitchen slave and shopping weekend.
Break is going swell. Did a bit of shopping prior to Thursday and Friday and still got some nice deals. Did a bit of damage during Thursday and Friday but it's okay because it's Black Friday right? Lol. Slaved in the kitchen from 9am-5pm on Thursday. Cooked everything and cleaned as well. It was hell especially since I didn't have my helper this year. Dropped a good $200 on ingredients but everyone loved it so it was worth it I suppose. Made turkey, two sets of mash potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, glazed carrots, rolls, cinnamon rolls, and pumpkin pie. I just realized today that I forgot the corn bread..oh well lol. Got some clothes, a laptop, perfume, and underwear along with miscellaneous items from grocery stores. My bank account is so sad now but hey I'll work extra hard after I get back! Finished my assessment for the pharm tech position today. Kind of nervous and anxious since I have so many "jobs" on hold right now lol. Got the nail tech, waitress, and pharm tech would be my third one if it goes through. Not sure how to handle things especially with full time school. I'll plow through, fingers crossed!