Jan 20
Gilded Agetime of corruption/greed
new age of a diff "slavery"
enjoyed new consumerism + tech
Jay Gould
brought the first RR @ 24
made most of his money from Union Pacific RR -> sold gov subsidies to private investors
tax payers had to pay twice for the gov sub land(tax - gov - gould - private - tax)
paid a substitute during civil war (got rich when he was suppose to be @ war)
almost had a monopoly on gold -> lead to market crash "Black Friday"
treated employees horribly
RR made $$$ in short 50 years
"trusts" - organizations come together agree + all set same price
John D. Rockefeller - oil for lube which replaced whale oil.
Horizontal integration: bought up competition(refinery)
Vertical integration: bought up all the other oil middleman jobs (geologists/ect)
became the standard oil
controlled +90% oil supply of US
Andrew Carnegie - steel, owned most steel organizations if not got the others to join a trust
Gustavus Swift - meat packaging, all over nation
legal shield laws(1880s) - can sue company but not owner/person. business seen as legal person
Republic / Democratic
AA / southern whites
corporate leaders / workers
economic developments / urban immigrant
civil rights / small,local gov
80% eligible voters votes
Jan 25
Post civil war- 5% of southern whites owned slaves
- south took it as a state right to secede from the country (afraid lincoln would take away their slave land)
- north took it as the need to preserve the union; once a state entered it is forever - no divorce
- civil war was first modern war - cannons - medicine - RR
most cause of deaths were bc of infections and poor treatment
Reconstruction 1865 - 77
*Rebuilding of southern eco
rebuilt highways, schools, RR, + intro factories, new cities
*Integration of rebel states
pardoned treason if took loyal oath
once 1877 came, were allowed to participate in nation affairs
*Integration of black freedmen
4 mil
educate/give em a way to protect themselves(vote)
13th (1865) - freed slaves everywhere
14th (1868) - grant full equal citizenship regardless of race, previous servitude
15th (1870) - black suffrage (local/national)
*gave them rights to vote so republic gained votes
Freedmen's Bureau: protected blacks from violence/fraud
reunited families prior to war
built schools(kids/adults) & educated
by 1900s blacks read as well as whites
*first state to send black rep - Mississippi - bc blacks outnumbered whites
Failures of Reconstruction
5% still owned land
Sharecrop - tentant lives there, plant cotton, sell but must give landlord % of profit
in order to get materials tenant must get loan from landlord and if cannot pay back must take out another loan and so forth. endless cycle. "Neo Slavery"