This upcoming history exam and paper is just killing me. What really bonks me is working everyday until close because it doesn't give me enough time to catch up on reading, draft my essay, and study for the upcoming test on Monday as well as the online quiz due Friday. This subject is really stressing me out - not because it's difficult to comprehend but just the amount of material and chronology I have to remember and trying to wrap my head around what the professor wants since this will be the first test. It sucks that I'm so behind plus it doesn't help that I've only been getting around 4-5 hours max each night. I've still been attending my 8AM class on time without skipping or arriving late but ugh. I am so cranky and tired - unable and unwilling to converse or work productively at work.
Math is going well, my grades are pretty good and I don't have trouble understanding the material.
I have a bunch of other stuff on my mind, I have this feeling of fear that I'm behind on situations and that I'm forgetting something really critical that is approaching.
Lack of sleep, overwork, stress, all this is resulting in my face breaking out as well. This really sucks.