Wednesday, December 5, 2012
I got in! I'm freaking out like shit, but I know there are many more rounds and that I shouldn't think anything as assured yet. The final selections have to have a GPA of 3.5 or above(although I don't know if that's for just this year or accumulative from the previous years), Japanese Grade of B or higher(I need to get my grade up!), and I have to be active in performing arts, fine arts, sports and/or extra-curricular activities and community service experience which I clearly do not have. I'm scared as pho. I really want to be able to make it. I'm going to the 12:30pm meeting on Saturday cause I don't want to go to the early one and miss and be deemed as unworthy. I'm failing Math, legitrally with an F. The rest are Cs and Bs and not high ones either ahaha. What the fuck. I need to switch math teachers I swear.