Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day by Day.

I'm learning something new and reflecting upon the past. All I ask from 2013 is happiness, not love or money. I just want the joys of life for another 364 days.

I got asked out by William. I kindly declined because I'm not ready if I'm still looking for pieces of my heart. I told him to move on because it would be wasteful to wait. I don't want to expect someone to be there waiting and in the end find no one. I hope we can still be good friends though. Andy seems to have started developing feelings for me. I don't want that. I just want a friend. Someone to share happy times with, to share troubles. Spent New Years Eve day outside building a snowman with Dudley and Ami. It was taller than Dudley in the end! Best snowman I've taken part in. That day made me reminisce of last year, of how badly I wanted it to snow to build an igloo with him. This year's countdown was different and a bit lonely. I spent it playing Pokemon and getting texts and calls from others congratulating on the new years. I've been getting back into Pokemon ahaha, how I've missed it. I was able to get it on my phone so I'll be able to do something on my breaks at work. I've been trying to download Pokemon white and black but haven't had much luck yet. I'll keep trying though! A friend of mine almost went down the same path as me but I'm glad things worked out. Sometimes I look back and regret it. The other night I dreamt that I was holding a baby girl, my baby girl which was funny. I always thought it would've been a boy. Ami had a dream that night as well but she dreamt that I had a baby boy instead. Oh how beautiful she was. Sleeping peacefully. She had lots of hair - brown instead the classic black. She had little perfectly pink puckered lips, a button nose, and big eyes. Oh, she was perfect in every way - except the fact that she would sleep on the stairs haha. Our babies would've be the best of friends. She's going to have a beautiful baby and it's going to have a daddy. A different path than mine - but better. I'll be there for her all the way. I wonder at times, if we'll become so distant that we'll become absolute strangers where we'll lose all contact - that we could one day walk past each other without noticing one another.

Photos from New Years Eve & New Years. Apologies about the sideways photos, I tried correcting them but they wouldn't listen!