School was school. Got in more hours of sleep than I've been getting recently for once. Yatta! By like an hour. Ahaha, how sad. Actually tried giving my hair some texture but my hair has just changed so much since two years ago. It can't even hold a curl, how sad. I had one side with limp curls and the other with afro curls. Work was slow. I accidentally cut myself with the knife when I was rushing to scan so the order doesn't go late. I have a gash on the side of my wrist now. How dumb. Just kept working. After I took out the order I came in and tried to clean my wound with sanitizer lolol. Gawd, that stung like a mofo. I had a strong desire to be held and loved today. Dunno why, it was irritating! Maybe because of my dream last night. Not even sure why I dreamt it! He was holding me in his arms again and I was on his lap. I was kissed all over and showered in affection but I don't know why I kept having this sinking feeling as though I knew it wouldn't last and that it was all an illusion. Sucks balls. Stupid subconciousness! He's over you and hates your guts, grow up and move on. Sigh. Oh wells, pampering myself again! Just not the full treatment since work got in the way. :)
I'd be a cute martian&&the gash is on the other wrist for the slows.