Went to bed around one in the morning. Presented my parody in front of the class today, I don't think mine was as funny as others but it was decent, now if only I didn't have to blow my nose while presenting because I was rushing through during the middle so I could get it over with to blow my nose ahaha. Tuckered out during Japanese since we were watching a movie as well as the room being all dark. Almost fell asleep cause I don't remember some of what the narrator said. Spent around an hour sitting in the tub, trying to scrub blood from my hoodie and sweats because of the stabbing incident at 888. Decided to pamper myself today even with the load of homework and work tomorrow. Showered then I soaked myself in raspberry tea scent. Felt so good! Moisturized myself from head to toe for once, even my hair. I smell so good and feel so soft. Found my favorite red lipstick! So happy. I thought I seriously lost it and was about to go out to by another one. I dunno, all my other lipsticks are nudes and I hate the look now. I'm not looking good to impress anyone, I'm doing it to prove to you muthafuckas who distant yourself from me because I slacked with my appearance. Well guess what, I'mma be that hot chick again and you can just gape your mouth while I prance around fools. I have my first orientation meeting at Olathe North this Saturday from 9am-12pm. Durk. Gonna have to wake up early + I work that morning so I had to switch around my schedule to come in at 12:30 instead of 11. So anxious! I finally don't have nightmares concerning him anymore. They're slowly decreasing and the sometimes the topic of him are in them but I don't have to deal with interacting with him. I have odd dreams though. My recent ones involved running through the streets of Vietnam when it flooded and then I came to a playground where there was sand and baby octopus kept wrapping themselves around my ankles. Wtf? I tried not to harm them while plucking them off. Then I had another one just involving a tower of cardboard boxes and boxes with things inside which I never found out what was inside.
I look odd in cut off shirts.