Saturday, January 12, 2013

Party hard.

1.10.13 - I had a dream about the intimate past and it was foolish. One, why the hell am I dreaming about sex? Two, it would never happen again. I've got to get it outta my mind. Anywhos, I don't have work this weekend! Sweet. I'm slowing integrating myself back into the market, talking to boys and just relaxing with the opposite sex, nothing major. No matter how cute they may be I've got to fight the temptation and not let my guard down. No matter how sweet they may appear, I've got to push forward and not fall. They're only friends, nothing else. Everybody's hurt and we're using each other as a source to forget the past and the memories. It's all fair in the game of moving on. School's easy as hell nowadays. 

1.11.13 - Work was funneh as hell. Today was Leslie's last day and Chris threw ice cream at her face. Oh god. It was slow but funny as hell and then she got revenge by smashing blue coconut flavored ice cream in his face. Michelle started asking about him, and she told me how Megan and her thought we were twins in the summer since we looked so much alike. I had to chuckle a bit even if it was a sad one. I tried getting a customer's number for Leslie but it ended in utter failure. Got off late and went to the movies since Power Play was about to close. Sad face. Watched Guilt Trip, in the beginning it was hella boring but as it continued to the middle and end it was pretty good! It had lessons that really touched my heart and funny lines. The movie ticket dude was totally checking me out, he even winked and said he'll try to catch me later! Oooooh, damn. I should've gave him my number before he left. Just kidden. Maybe I'll see him tomorrow. Drove her home and it was somewhat a bit saddening when I had to drive past his house to get home. I try to avoid that area but something just keeps pulling me back there. Came home around 2am. First time driving alone so late and without anybody either! Hangin' out with Moni tomorrow, not sure if I wanna hit up chewer boy. Iunno. It's better to distance myself so I don't end up wasting my time and liking him. I guess I'm just too naive and rushed into it all to forget but it was too soon. I tried to use somebody and they ended up using me instead. Oh well, I learned a lesson. Don't get attached and just have fun with everyone.

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 Before headin' to work.
Comin' back from work and partying.