Do you know what day today is? Or maybe you don't care. It's whatever. I've learned a lot about love. To be honest, this was my most serious one and the one I invested most into. I was able to experience a real relationship and the affections of a boyfriend. I learned that love isn't all cute and airy. It can be heavy, it can be burdening, and painful. This is the one that has aged me the most because I've gain all this experience and knowledge, the hurt and happiness I've undergone.Today was a relaxing day, still need to head to bed early because I've been poopy in some of my afternoon classes. Everything was relatively easy. No homework or work tonight. I actually have a free night for once! I'd be a bit more excited if there was someone or something to look forward to. I'll just work out and study. Gonna shoot for the ideal weight of 47kg or 45kg if I can manage. Yeah, it seems a bit drastic and insane as though I'm trying to become anorexic but I'm not! It's a completely healthy weight for me and I'm not going to starve myself. Ja ne!
Temp chubby cheeks, do I look cuter with em?