You'll be seeing a lot of my new little friend in the upcoming posts. :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
I'm back!
Deepest apologies for not updating anything in the past 3 days! Been coming home late around 3:00AM and leaving early lately so I haven't had the chance to sit down and take a breather. I wasn't able to have the movie morning with John but we were able to have a movie night. Watched It's a Boy Girl Thing, typical chick flick and it was a nice way to kill time. Later on we went and hung out with other people, had a few drinks and watched them played COD. I was so weary and tired, I felt bad for falling asleep lol. He woke me up later and drove me back. Later on that night or morning whatever he said something surprised me and I was like, dude, you're drunk. So I didn't pay attention to it very much. The next night I asked him about it and he said yeah he was drunk so I was like okay, good that's what I thought but later on he said he was sober and he doesn't know why he said what he did. I dunno why either, I can only guess. Went over to MO last night, didn't get to hang out as much since I had to be home by midnight since I had been comin' home so late the previous nights. Been working 10 hour and 11 hour shifts - so dead tired haha. Went from hardly working anything to workaholic within the past week for Japan. Wanted to have a talk with Kayla but really couldn't on Saturday because I had work right afterward and I arrived 5 minutes late for the meeting because for some stupid reason I started driving to work instead of Olathe North. Gotta go buy two new small suitcases because the chaperones said to pack light since we'll be moving from one area to one another and we'll be the one carrying our own shit. Sad face - not many opportunities to wash our laundry either - bleck! Not as many chances to shop either since the whole agenda changed and it's gonna be more disaster orientated rather than our sight-seeing agenda from before. I still wanna go to an onsen though..damn! Been hearing the shit talking that's going around and really I don't give a fuck haha. Believe what they wanna believe - heck come at me and ask, not an interrogation because that shit is stupid and I'm not a convict. Hung out with Kayla from work and just chilled with her for a while, wish Leslie could hang out again. Would've been fun. Studied at the library for 4 hours and came home to a new friend. I was absolutely touched!