Wah! So tired, there weren't much carhops today and the tips were stingy. Apparently I'm a horrible person lolol - I turned a date into a group hangout. Michelle was like "Oh my goodness, poor boy. He seems upset that we're here! Alena, why did you make us come along on your date!" And I'm like "Eruhh.. o ____ o" because I didn't view it as a date, just as someone to hangout with on V day so nobody gets lonely LOL. It was so awkward. Caught a movie, Identity Thief, and grabbed dinner at Applebees. Afterward I came home and started to clean out my room, found a note he had written to me in the past. It made me smile and somewhat sad. Oh well, he probably had a nice day. No worries about a girl getting upset because he was late for their date like last year. Sigh. It's whatever. Waking up early again to going shopping then I'm poppin' over to John's for a movie morning instead of a movie night since we both have work later on. I'm thinking about bringing over snacks..but I don't know what kind to get? Decisions, decisions.
Still diligently working on the scarf as you can see lol.