Woke up around 8:00AM because I dunno, natural alarm clock in the brain? Went back to sleep only to be woken up by my mom screaming, tried to ignore it and pretend to sleep some more but meh, it was difficult. Got up and got to work early since I didn't want to stay home. Work was slow as ever. I had this really bitchy customer who was pissed that I didn't have any change for a $20 bill. Woman, your bill is $2.75. You paid with $20.75. And to get piss off that I have to go inside to get change? All the other customers paid with $1s, where the fuck am I suppose to get a $5 or $10 bill? Out of my ass? Bitch, shut yo stinkaye tight lips and wait. I think we reached the late 200s or early 300s when I got off at 5:00PM. Went over to Wal-Mart to see if they had what I wanted and they didn't. Bought a pair of clothes to change into because I couldn't go home. Went over to Super Target to see if they had it and they didn't either. Bought a sweat shirt there and layered it over the clothes I got from Wal-Mart. I ended up looking pretty cute. Picked up Megan and headed back to Sonic to meet up and eat before heading to AMC30. Ordered myself some mozzarella sticks and popcorn chicken but I couldn't finish so I gave it to Stacey who was on break. Both Kelsey and Michelle had changed into dresses and looked all dolled up. We all sat outside on the patio and gossiped away about night shift noobs. The movie started at 4:55 and we were still chatting away until we realized it was 4:47, ha! Bought myself a brownie bite cake for $5 which was a total rip off. Saw the guy who hitted on me earlier in the week when Michelle, Megan, and I saw
The Heat. He didn't come over but he disappeared for a while then I realized that he was walking near us, wiping down counters and just kind of slowly comin' our way when he was doing register earlier when I spotted him? I was too shy to say hi in fear he didn't recognize me or come off as a creeper. He made small talk with Kelsey and it pretty much ended there. He's probably being friendly haha. Oh well, I'll never know. Watched
The Internship and honestly, it was pretty funny. Not a bad movie at all. Invited Kayla to go out to Applebees and we all kinda snacked a bit, everyone was full except Kayla since she hadn't ate. Got myself a virgin pina colada and the green bean crispers but I wasn't able to finish. Afterwards we split and I realized I had lost my keys so I freaked out and we headed back to AMC30 but they weren't there so I called Stacey up to see if they were there and oh my goodness, I cried tears of joy when I found them. Chatted a bit with this Chinese boy before he hit the hay. I swear, he's got the hots for me haha. Why are so many guys into making me theirs? I don't wanna be tied down or have any..what's the word? Restriction? I just like flirting and having fun. It's amazing how close I've become with my cowokers. I'm a whole lot closer with them than my school or childhood friends. Last year, I despised working and distance myself in order to show how much he meant to me but now work is my sanctuary. I've met some pretty awesome people because of work and learned a lot of life lessons.

My face started to break out in certain areas so I decided it was time to slap on a face mask!