Got a splinter in my hand yesterday, a metal one too and there was no tweezers either! I just sat on my butt for like 5 minutes, cutting open the skin and kept squeezing and pinching to push the splinter out. Finally got it far out enough that I could pull it out with my nails. Woot! Ended up cutting my finger at work today, had to bandaged it up and still had blood seeping through the bandage. Yay. Mikeo came up with the Chinese food that I mentioned last night, surprise, even though I had already ate twice at work. Oops. It was pretty nice of him, even though I forgot about it heh. Everybody asked if he was my boyfriend, once again. All the dudes that come up here and are my friend - all my coworkers and managers call them my boyfriend and it's like no! I will say when they're my boyfriend or not and you'll most likely see a peck or two hehe. Work was so-so, tips were pooy. Went to Kat's birthday party afterwards, had daddy take me because I just can and not too keen on driving. Had to drive to work this morning and swerved in the beginning because I saw a dead baby squirrel. Drove 5 under the limit too, worst than usual. Sat in my car for a good 5 minutes trying to figure out how to turn on my lights too - it's been that long since I've drove my car, wow. Anyways, heading off to bed for 8AM shift. G'night all!
Made s'mores at Kat's.