Sunday, November 10, 2013


I hate when my parents and uncle force sides when it comes to my sister and her boyfriend vs them. If not they just completely turn upon all their kids. It's like the fuck I do? I hate being set in the middle because I see both sides because I've been there. If you're going to ask my opinion, I will be honest and voice them. I'm not going to sugar coat anything. Both sides are wrong in their ways. I can understand my sister's desire to go out of her way to make things work in the relationship since it's her first real one but sometimes she goes way out and doesn't realize that she's investing more into it than he is and her future with him won't be easy since he's always relying on her. I understand the fear of breaking things off after coming so far with someone, especially after they become everything you've got. Dudley, he has his faults too. Don't encourage her when things are going already tense. Telling her that she has the issue of not being able to say no just makes me give him the death glare. She doesn't say no so that the parents would stop nagging and hell wouldn't break lose. We're Asian, with traditional values not Americans with a relaxed family. Help her through the difficult times and shoulder some of her burden instead of running your mouth about how she's a grown up now and can move out if she doesn't like it because if I'm correct, he's still living with his dad and two older brothers! Now parents, they're way too uptight and their speculations just make us rebel. They cause a lot of fights between her relationship and mine many times in the past that damages and weakens the relationship since the issue doesn't come from either person. Threatening to beat our faces in and scheme to get our guys arrested don't make things disappear either. We're gonna fight and just find ways to piss you off. Worst comes to shove, we're gonna move out sooner than anticipated. What irked me when my uncle had asked for my opinion then goes on to declare that I'm wrong, that parents are never wrong. That just blew the top off of me. Adults have their wrongs and rights and must learn to accept that fact. We're not going to throw it in your face if you come to terms and admit it. Their insecurity and assumptions kill our social life and our ability to grow amongst others than our family. They were one of the major reasons why Corey and I would fight and drifted apart. He wanted me to go out with him so many times, not to do bad things but to go visit friends in Missouri, come to a gaming session with other friends, or go to his family events. I would get so scared of asking my parents because I already knew their answer so each time I would say I can't. The one time I did, my mother approved in front of his face but behind his back she told me to tell him that something came up and that I couldn't go which angered me. It was a family event on Christmas, our first Christmas together, and our family didn't celebrate it so I really wanted to see what Christmas was like for other families and to spend it with him. Other times it's just him wanting to go out on late date nights with me and parents would be like no. Total relationship killer. Like for example, Cobe and I went on a walk in my neighborhood around 5:30PM and came home around 6:30PM and I know for a fact because he had to leave and film a school play. The next day they complain saying that I'm promiscuous for going out late with a boy until midnight and I'm like dafuq? Hello, daylight saving time therefore it get dark outside fast and I know how long we were out because he had other plans.
And guys having the hots for me? You can't stop that. I know how to control myself and my emotions too. I decide whether or not I want to pursue further than a friendship. I don't care if they like me more than friends, as long as they don't have bad intentions and are good people then I will remain good friends with them. Plus, being attractive has its perks and having guys who like you doesn't always end in a disaster. They baby you like no other and it's awesome muwahahaha! Then again, I don't let guys baby me that often unless we're close because it feels weird.

All ranting aside, I can't wait to try out my new V-Line product! It looks something like this but the v-line mask refills are so expensive, gah. Need to get those diet pills too but there's so expensive and I don't even know if they work. Decisions, decisions. First weekend that I didn't work. It felt surprisingly very nice! Got to complete my workload without cramming and leisurely do everything but I feel so broke if I don't work since my spending habits are crazy ahaha. Noticed another thing as well. When I'm with him, his scent rubs off on me really well which is strange because in the past with my ex his scent never really rubbed off on me. Now I'm sitting here smelling like the ocean scent smell. Odd. One thing that makes me laugh when guys try to woo me by saying they'll make me the happiest girl and I'm like please. First off that ain't possible, and two only I can make myself happy. Even when they suggest fighting my ex, I'm like nah. That ain't gonna make me happy and that would only cause more conflict and issues for his mom who I dearly love. Crushing him physically won't change anything nor would it make me happy. Just want him to realize and be a better person. The past is the past, and love is gone. :)

Gah. Guys who sing country make me swoon. <( ^ o ^ )>