Woke up around 7AM for some reason, wonder why I woke up so early when I had went to bed around 1AM? Fell back asleep and got up two hours later. Took a shower and it felt so good scrubbing all the dirt and dust off. Not sure why but my right ear piercing is all sore and hurts. Hope it didn't get infected or reacting to the material in the earrings. Crammed for half an hour or so then went off to the car shop to retrieve my wallet from the Volks, the car I've been driving for the last 3 months or so since my car broke, and got hit on by the employee there. Thank goodness my dad wasn't there when that happen or that be hella awkward. Made it to JCCC around 1:15PM so I only had about 45 minutes left for a 6 page test. I still finished everything and had 10 minutes left over. Can I can a booyah? OH YEAH! Went over to Sake to fill in an application and on my way out the lady asked to interview on Monday at 2PM. I had to reschedule to 4PM which I hope isn't too much of a bother for her. I wonder if she realizes that I'm still in school? I noticed that even though everything was Japanese based, all the workers there were Chinese. I could tell from their faces and the language that was spoken. Not a lick of Japanese, meh. I wasn't surprise because most Asian restaurants are Chinese or Vietnamese based. Sigh, I really miss Wei's. It took me a while to get comfortable but I still did and my boss was so chill along with her daughter. Hopefully everything is alright and they resume soon. Came home and took Andi out on a bike ride. Went over to Arby's and got some curly fries. Let her play at Scarborough but it got cold pretty quickly so we went home. Dad wants me to further my Japanese skills and partake in foreign business in the outskirts of Hanoi since foreigners - Japanese, Chinese, Korean - are all coming to Vietnam to invest and I'm like ugh, really? I hate dealing with business because you always have to suck up to customers, especially if they're greedy and ignorant, trying to get free things by complaining. I prefer to learn multiple languages to converse with others, learn law so I can find loop holes later on in life to get out of things or fight with authorities who try to bully those who don't know the law but I don't wanna become a lawyer. What I want to do most is to continue learning about molecular matters but I'm not entirely sure what career I want just yet because the duties I hear don't seem to fit me. I just love learning about biology and how the body works and how mutations effect the world. It seems like I prefer to learn so research would be my field but the thing is I hate having to do labs. Having to write hypotheses, doing trail and error over and over again, along with graphs and such. Too much of a hassle for me. Not too sure what I want but I have a lot things that I have passion for and life is still long to cultivate my skills.
Ami stated earlier that she's noticed how chill I've become since back then, to which I agree. I'm not as solid on what a guy must have and do for me, I also don't depend on a guy either. He can have his guy time, we can go months without hanging each other even if I go past his house every week yet I don't get angry. I don't go crazy if I don't see him every week, much less every day. Just gotta be respectful, mature, and be able to carry himself. I have my own time, my own goals, and my own future. I don't expect him in my future, if he's included then it's a bonus - if not than oh well. I'm also more understanding and less of a hot head. He can have his female friends, I have my male friends. They both find us attractive? Woot, we're attractive people then. As long as he lets them know he isn't interested and nothing happens between the two then I'm good. If he wants to go with her, I'm fine. His loss, I've got others on the side who want a turn - then again I'm not quick to bounce back. I like to window shop and see my options before buying something - so I'll stay solo until I feel ready to mingle. Those who are interest might say I'm too aloof, that I don't care nor invest anything into it. I just say, "Hey, I've gone bankrupt before. Don't wanna go there again!"