Got off early to make it in time to JCCC. Ran around the building trying to figure out what exactly I needed to enroll into Honors COMP I. I had a 97 cumulative based from the COMPASS test so I did fulfill the requirement of having either a 25 ACT score or a 90 on the placement test. Finally a lady told me that I had to take the writing assessment test so I was like okay, whatever fits the bill and get me the class. Took it within' 30 minutes and got a 98% when the requirement was a 90% so I gotta say, my English is pretty swell for a "non-native" speaker lawl. So now I have Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology with lecture and lab work, Honors COMP I, and Trig - part time yet I still have a 7 hour day sigh. If only there were earlier availability than I would be able to shorten my school day to 5 hours and be out by 1PM and head to work. Oh well. Got all my school supplies and textbook ordered and out of the way. Now I have to wait for my FA to kick in or fork over a percentage of the credit payments. Fun fun sheet.