Woke up my period, hellooooo beautiful. Just what I needed
for a long ass shift. Work was OK for the first half of happy hour and before.
The second half was just hell. My back was killing me, I was legitly about to
collapse my ass on the ground and pass out. It felt like something clawing at
the side of my vagina and it was contracting like shit. I was like wtf, I don't
need this now! Felt like someone was taking a sledge hammer and wacking my back
ugh. Cutest shit happened at work that usually doesn't happen in a million years. This guy created a scavenger hunt to propose to his
girlfriend and sonic held one of the first clue to it since they had their
first date there. That girl was speeding like crazy to get her clue lmfao. Guys
should take a hint. Drove home to a crimson sky, not the usual red, orange sunset but just blue and crimson. I felt alone but not lonely, weird huh? I didn't feel the usual sadness I tend to felt when I drove home, I felt loose and relaxed like this is how it's gonna be from now on. Nobody by my side down the road of life but it's okay. Did you have a nice time in okc? I'm sure you did. Met a lot of people, made new friends, and had a blast without worries.