It's time for a trim, length and bangs wise.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Slow, snowy day.
Ugh. I definitely need more sleep. Had to scrape my car this morning, it's really scary to drive with foggy or unclear glass. Pumped my tires for the first time as well! Yeeee! I'm so happy that I did a good job and didn't blow em off haha. Had to pump em to see how full they were since I didn't have a tire gauge. Today was pretty much a pattern of uber slow for hours then 15 minute rushes then dead then rush again. Had a total of three carhops throughout the day which is total off because we tend to have at least four if not eight. Tips were good. I've realized that I hardly get tipped by girls but most of my male customers tip me, and they tip me well too. Oh wow haha. Been wearing a beanie during work instead of my visor since it's so cold and Tim doesn't mind. Cobe brought me sushi today. Yaaaaaaay. Except I think he misheard me when I said anything without cream cheese as anything with cream cheese. But I'm still happy and thankful that he brought me sushi. Yeeeee! Tried to do blogilate workouts last night and they were just not meant for me at all. I hated em. Did Tiffany Rothe's and it was pleasant. Did it for 15 minutes and called it a night. Gonna do the same tonight as well since tomorrow's suppose to be icy so early morning it seems. G'night.