Sunday, December 15, 2013

Red feet.

Bleh. So tired and my bed is always so warm in the mornings. Was scraping my car around 7:55AM and Tim called me to check up on me haha. Got there 5 minutes late from having to scrape my car but eh. It happens and it's winter! It was pretty slow and I didn't get a clicker in the morning so whenever I went out I'd always spend at least 5-7 minutes outside, knocking, and waiting for someone to notice me and open the door, there weren't many either. Tim had gone home, Chris was in the back cleaning the ice cream machine, and Francisca was in the back as well, restocking the kitchen. Anywhos, the whole day was pretty mellow and slow until Happy Hour came and we got slammed like no other. Not to mention we only had 3 servers! Like hell. Oh my gawd, half of our orders were late but we still did well - at least I'd like to say so. We kept our cool and surged on, at least tried. Came home later on, only to realize that I had left my phone at work so I had to drive all the way back to get it as well. Fun. Came home, showered, skim read chapter 16 of my government textbook and finished up my online quiz. So proud of myself that I got A's on both of my government quizzes this week even though I haven't read it properly heh.