Sunday, April 1, 2012


You dare judge me? Whore, you've judge me wrong. I can do so much better than little boys. I can get an arranged marriage to a filthy rich man that own acres of land with a well known name. Your family's broke as shit. But it's not about the money. It's about the kind of background and person you are and you sure as hell don't meet my standards. Always saying the North are "commies" and shit this shit that. You lie, cheat, manipulate yet you still retain a high horse from mooching off of others. And that you twist events/words. How could I ever use the word love towards you. And in an Asian language, which makes it even more tender and high value. I've only said it once to a male romantically and meant it. And he broke my heart. Making me even more hurt and piss when the subject of love is brought up. Much less a lie that I had used it once more since 3 years ago. Better yet, just keep my fucken name outta every one of your people's mouths. If I ever see you again whether it be in front of adults or your mother. I will give you a piece of my mind.