Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Girls aren't the only ones who like to be chased, showered with attention, and promised the stars and moon but when is enough, enough?

Sending cards and flowers, staying devoted, when is it time to stop and let go? To be ignored and pushed aside, when do you know that they truly do not want the attention? There's always those who secretly enjoy and look forward to the attention and then there are those who deem the romantics to be psychotic.

You wanna prove them wrong, you wanna sweep them off their feet, wipe away their tears, fears, and doubts. You wanna be the Mulan who rescues them from the verge of darkness. You wanna prove them wrong and be the sunshine in their life but when is it time to give up and forget them? Where is the line between obsessive and dedication? Through the wrong doings and rain of brutality you see no wrong in them. You wanna reach out, be there, and hope that in time they'll realize but what happens when they never do and you become the bad one? There is the fear of losing everything you've invested, the good times, broken promises, and an un-lived future of us.

Those who give up are the only ones who lost.