Monday, September 23, 2013

A day with him.

Had a pretty intimidating dream and when I accidentally dozed off for a bit in history, an image of a female thing with black holes for eyes screaming into my face scared me and that's when I felt that the pencil I was holding in my hand fell to the ground lol. The guy sitting by me noticed that and chuckled at me. Meh. Cobe came over and we worked on our homework for a bit then we went out biking for 1.5~2 hours. Walked around the track for a bit and made him carry for a bit teehee. Laid on the bench and just stared up at the stars. Something I hadn't really been able to fully enjoy for a while. It was pretty nice and gave us a way to exercise with each other. It was nice being able to see him and spend time together since like two weeks ago when we went to see Insidious 2. 

If you're checking on me to make sure I'm still alive, well, you can see I still am. I'm not bothering you nor am I gonna appear out of nowhere and try to steal you away. We'll do what you wanted, be strangers and forget. I won't damage your image, which isn't very difficult considering your choice in the past. I'm not killing myself over your absence nor am I lulling over it. Don't play mind games with me and my feelings. I'm happy with him and the life I'm living. The only thing I miss are the memories and the kindness that was shown to me throughout the time we were together. If it's Horse Face on your computer trying to read my stuff, well she better take heed of my warnings and get out of my sight before I send her into a coma at prom and if her or any of her little deform barbies try to talk shit about they better save up enough money for plastic surgery when I'm done. Better yet, just save up enough money because they already have shit faces. Don't be talking about my past because you don't know what happens behind closed doors and don't be talking about my future because you don't live my life. I've accomplished more then you little fuckers ever will.