Friday, November 29, 2013


I know I'm a bit late on this whole sheebang but I was feeling pretty down yesterday. Ended up just laying in under the covers and cuddle with Andi. Didn't get on my laptop to blog about anything, just wasn't really into technology. Just wanted to lay there and curl up. Roasted the turkey and made mash potatoes the other day so I just made Korean Tuna Sandwich the other day, Maangchi version. Came out very delicious, even if I put more onion than cucumber, oops. Andi and Alex went crazy over it, guess I'll make some more later in the future if I have tuna! Might add more eggs than stated and get some leafy greens as well. Woke up at 7AM even though my shift started at 8AM, an hour early instead of the usual 20 minutes before heh. Had dad take me to work as well since I didn't want to drive at all. Had him pick me up as well. Asked if I had my license on to I could drive but of course I didn't because I didn't want to drive at all. The weather was pretty nice and the tips were so so for me or so I thought. Made $30 before happy hour, walked home with a little over $50. Sweet! Heard that all the goodies got passed out on Wednesday and the tips were good too. Wtf. Gah, I missed out! But I didn't go of course because my mindset was pretty shaken from Tuesday and my dad didn't want me to go. Maybe I can somehow get a Sonic scrunchy or light up badge. Didn't do any Black Friday because there isn't anything I want, plus I don't wanna get trampled again like last year. Trying to save as well. 

Alrighty, now onto my list. I'm thankful that I'm alive. To sit here and be breathing, hearing my siblings and uncle laughing and screaming in the background about Uno. To reminisce back on old memories, of how much love I was shown by him and his family. Glad that I'm still friends with and still in contact with a majority of my former boyfriends. Thankful for a job that provides spending money, which also introduced me to two of my closest friends ever. Grateful for the people who continue to support and love me, especially a little Mexican look a like. For parents who immigrated to an unknown country for a better future for my sister and I. For all the adversities I've been through, for the haters, the lovers, family and friends, and experiences. It makes me who I am today and I'm just glad to be alive and not a worse person than I could be.